Purple Teaming | ioSENTRIX

November 1, 2023
min read

Are you looking to secure your data and organization while growing your operations? If so, purple teaming could be the answer. By combining red and blue teams, purple teaming is an effective security strategy that strengthens defensive practices in organizations of all sizes.

With comprehensive auditing, adversarial simulations (red team exercises), and internal defensive controls implementations (blue team exercises), it’s no wonder why more businesses are turning to purple teaming to improve their overall IT security posture. Get a closer look at purple teaming and how it can help protect your valuable assets from malicious actors!

A purple team combines the red and blue teams, where the red team simulates an attack while the blue team defends against it. The purple team aims to bridge the divide between the two teams by fostering collaboration and communication and offering a more holistic approach to security testing and incident response.

The Power of Purple Teaming: A Comprehensive Guide:

Purple teaming has become a critical cybersecurity strategy sought after by many organizations. Comprised of the expertise of both red and blue teams, purple teams bridge the gap between offensive testing and real-world defense. Red teaming simulates an attack scenario, while blue teaming focuses on a defense strategy to sustain against malicious forces.

These two aspects are combined in purple teaming to better equip an organization with ready-to-go approaches. Its main benefit is that purple teaming offers continuous evaluations of the overall security structure by actively integrating offensive and defensive strategies from both teams in formalized exercises.

Purple teaming is a highly effective defense against future attackers; purple teaming speeds up the process of finding and fixing vulnerabilities. The red team can actively showcase the execution of atomic test cases to the blue team. The blue team learns the patterns, identifies what was missed immediately by control, and revises them effectively. This ensures that organizations proactively address existing vulnerabilities before they become too challenging.

The Benefits of Purple Team:

  • Provide a more realistic and comprehensive security assessment by simulating real-world attack scenarios.
  • Identify and fill the gap between the offensive and defensive security teams.
  • Continuously monitor, analyze, and improve the security posture of an organization.

Code of Purple Teaming: A Deep Dive into the Process

Purple teaming is an approach to security testing that combines the knowledge, experience, and perspective of both blue and red teams. This collaborative process allows organizations to develop comprehensive security campaigns by combining different tactics. Red team activities provide a hostile environment for testing and challenging defenses and procedures; meanwhile, blue teams can observe and study indicators in real time for further improvements.

The goal of purple teaming is to build bridges between these two approaches that can help an organization identify weaknesses in its security posture. To do so, both teams must know each other’s activities to collaborate effectively. Each team must have a clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities of each other and their goals during the engagement.

Purple teaming requires strong communication between the members of both teams. Communication includes sharing information about tools used, techniques employed during tests, the timeline of activities planned, objectives achieved (or not), results obtained from defensive measures taken, etc. Additionally, periodic “check-ins” should be scheduled throughout the engagement to keep all teams informed about their progress and any changes or updates that might be necessary to ensure success.

When done successfully, purple teaming provides an organization with valuable insights into its security posture through red team evaluation and blue team responses. The results offer organizations an understanding of how well their defenses prevent potential attackers and offer insights on improving those defenses if necessary.

Additionally, the results indicate which areas the organization should strengthen or change to avoid future attacks. The findings obtained through purple teaming also provide organizations with a better understanding of their overall risk management strategies and practices, which can help them better secure their systems from malicious actors in the future.

How Purple Teaming Can Protect Your Business Against Cyberattacks

Purple teaming is a security testing method that combines the tactics, techniques, and procedures of red and blue teaming. The process typically works as follows:

Planning and Scoping

Actively planning and scoping the assessment is the first step in executing a purple team engagement. Actively defining the engagement’s objectives and determining which systems, applications, and processes require testing to identify potential vulnerabilities proactively are included in executing a purple team engagement. It is crucial to clearly outline the scope of the assessment and ensure it aligns with organizational goals and objectives.

Actively considering any existing policies or regulations that must be adhered to when conducting security assessments is also an essential aspect of this stage. The purple team should actively collaborate to create a plan that outlines the testing process, including any necessary resources or tools, to ensure the successful completion of the assessment. The final goal should be to create a comprehensive plan of attack that addresses all aspects of security testing while meeting organizational requirements.

Baseline Assessment

After establishing a comprehensive plan, the team executing a purple team engagement should conduct a baseline assessment as the next step. This can include automated scans and manual reviews by experts who understand how an organization’s systems operate. These assessments will quickly reveal any gaps in security controls or weaknesses present in existing defenses. They can also provide insight into potential vulnerabilities attackers could exploit if addressed.

The initial assessment establishes a baseline from which the team can measure progress as they improve throughout the engagement. In addition, it helps the team identify areas where they should focus further testing during future meetings. By leveraging data obtained during these baseline assessments, organizations can quickly spot changes in their environment that could point to malicious activity or suspicious behavior before getting out of hand.

Test Execution

After establishing an initial baseline, the team should begin the test execution phase of the purple team engagement. In the test execution phase of purple team engagement, the red team conducts atomic test cases based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework to assess the effectiveness of security controls and pinpoint vulnerabilities or weaknesses that attackers could exploit.

The Atomic Red Team provides a library of test cases that simulate real-world attack scenarios, covering different phases of the attack lifecycle, such as initial access, privilege escalation, persistence, and exfiltration. These tests can help the red team uncover gaps in the organization’s security defenses and provide actionable recommendations to improve them.

Apart from the Atomic Red Team, other frameworks and tools are available to support the Purple team engagement. For example, the Purple Team Exercise Framework (PTEF) provides a methodology for planning, executing, and evaluating purple team exercises and a library of test cases that cover various attack scenarios. PTEF also includes guidance on integrating purple teaming into an organization’s security operations and measuring its effectiveness.

Moreover, these frameworks also cover the social engineering attacks, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments often involved in purple teaming tests. However, using atomic test cases allows for a more precise and comprehensive evaluation of security controls, enabling the red team to identify gaps in the organization’s defenses and provide specific recommendations for improvement.

When performing test execution tasks, organizations must maintain clarity between roles. Hence, everyone understands who is responsible for what functions at each stage of the testing process (i.e., red team vs. blue team). It is also vital for organizations not only to evaluate existing security measures but also to audit IT staff’s response capabilities during simulated tests so they can identify potential gaps before an attack happens in real-world scenarios.


Collaboration between the red (attackers) and blue (defenders) teams throughout all stages of the engagement is essential for ensuring maximum protection against the cyber threats facing organizations today. The red (attackers) and blue (defenders) teams should collaborate throughout all stages of the engagement, from the planning stage through test execution. Viewing this collaboration as an ongoing aspect of a successful purple team engagement is critical.

By offering opportunities for knowledge sharing between teams during each phase of the testing process, organizations gain a deeper understanding of their environments while gaining access to valuable insights from external sources concerning current trends related to threat actors are taking advantage of along with best strategies for mitigating them effectively across multiple fronts (e.g., technology/systems engineering; policy & procedures; personnel training & education).

Additionally, fostering collaboration increases speed detection & response times, strengthening overall security posture and significantly reducing the chances of malicious activity going undetected until too late, causing severe damage to operations & reputation alike.

Debriefing and Reporting:

An in-depth review of engagement results is necessary to identify potential issues, assess areas for improvement, and develop a comprehensive report. Collecting data from stakeholders such as team members, customers, and vendors is essential to ensure successful debriefing and reporting. The team should use this data to analyze the engagement results and draw meaningful conclusions. The team should include in the report findings, recommendations, and actionable insights that they can implement to improve the security posture.

Follow-up and Continuous Improvement:

After implementing the recommended actions, the team must monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. They should conduct regular testing to detect security vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could jeopardize the organization’s security posture. Furthermore, it is crucial to maintain a proactive strategy to respond quickly to changes in the security landscape. The team must document all changes made to track improvements over time. By following these steps, organizations can ensure their security remains strong despite external threats or challenges.

It’s important to note that purple teaming is an ongoing process that requires regular repetition and improvement to be effective. Also, the involvement of a third-party expert can be beneficial to have an external and unbiased perspective of the exercise and the results.

Purple Teaming Challenges and Solutions

Bringing purple teaming into the organization while providing powerful defensive security techniques and greater understanding between red and blue teams is challenging. There can be uncertainty within the team dynamics, such as each defined role’s responsibilities and how to collaborate efficiently. Likewise, gauging each team’s effectiveness as a collective can be difficult; everyone must buy in to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses before implementing any proactive protection or mitigation plan.

Organize both teams with transparent processes to overcome the obstacles. Teams should also establish a regular cadence for their training requirements and use tools that monitor performance metrics like coverage gaps or unknown risks to provide feedback for continual improvement. Ultimately, purple teaming fosters a culture of collaboration that holds both teams jointly accountable for risk identification and remediation.

Where Should Organizations Focus Their Purple Teaming Efforts?

Working towards the future of purple teaming is essential to keeping up with modern threats. Organizations should prioritize formulating strategic plans incorporating purple teaming activities into their security program. As organizations focus more on cybersecurity, purple teaming has become the preferred approach for many. By combining the red and blue teams, organizations can examine situations from multiple perspectives and reduce risk on a broader scale.

With this newfound emphasis on cybersecurity, organizations must use best practices when building their purple teams. Consulting with knowledgeable professionals experienced in offensive and defensive approaches will help ensure the team is focusing its efforts in the right places while staying up to date on the ever-evolving digital landscape. Purple teaming should be an opportunity to bolster security with proactive testing rather than reactive defense.

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from purple teaming by combining red and blue teams to create a comprehensive security strategy. By auditing, implementing defensive controls, and conducting adversarial simulations, businesses can improve their security posture and protect against cyberattacks. Proper planning can overcome the challenges associated with purple teaming, such as maintaining the balance between confidentiality and operational effectiveness. Get in touch with ioSENTRIX to learn more about how purple teaming can benefit your business.

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