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Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing - How are they different? A Quick Guide

Often, it gets hard to understand the differences between some of the security assessments as most of the security activities complement each other at many points. With the growing and...

The necessity of third-party (3P) risk assessment and the right approach to do it

For quite a good time, there has been a lot of buzz around third-party data breaches. 2020 has been a year full of cyber-attacks, and the pandemic has worked as...

Pentesting vs Bug Bounty - what to do and when

Many people consider bug bounties and Pentests (often referred to as Penetration Testing) as synonymous. If you’re relatively new to cybersecurity, it’s easy to confuse the two and not quite...

What is a Penetration Test and Why Do You Need It?

The shocking reality is that security breaches have increased by about 67% over the past five years, and in 2020 chances that more companies may eventually get hacked are high....

What is GIT Source Code Exposure Vulnerability and Why Should You Care?

Cybercrime is still a big concern. While businesses put different technologies to patch the known risk profiles, several new vulnerabilities keep springing up in fact that fresh cyberattacks are recorded...

RDP brute force attacks on rise. How to keep your business safe

According to the UNDP, the Covid-19 pandemic is the most significant predicament that has hit us since World War Two. Since its advent, countries have been racing around the clock...